Friday, 16 January 2015

Week two and my new wheels!

So this week went awesome, despite two kids going home with fevers, seven major melt downs from the same one student, and another pool session!!  Although I am enjoying school tremendously I am still getting used to these long days...7:30am to 5:00pm sometimes 6:00pm.  By time I get home I am a zombie of sorts with enough energy to feed myself and crawl into bed, only to do it all over again the next day.
The kids are really starting to understand my limits and read my body language in order to gauge what is appropriate and what is not, making classroom time more manageable and productive.  However today we had a huge talk about respecting the things around us as they tend to be on the destructive side.  My calendar area has seen better days as it is starting to fall down, and the desks are already covered in marker and crayons.  I had to especially talk to them today because with some prompting I had gone with Virak, my boss, this week and we had bought some new educational toys which I hope to start using soon but that warrants trusting them not to break them. While play time is often neglected I believe play is one of the key avenues to really show creativity, imagination, and respect amongst children and their peers.  They all were listening super attentively during my little talk so I think I got through to them.....we'll see if they understood once the toys actually come out and either mayhem will ensue or they'll be too scared to touch them.  My understanding for their destruction is that these kids have never really been given toys or belongings of their own to treasure and care for.  So when new things are at their finger tips they are so starved for discovery that they go wild.
As a side note my boss Virak has left for Canada for the next two weeks to get his Canadian citizenship and since he was my ride to and from work he suggested I get a bike.  He was very generous and brought me to purchase a brand new bike yesterday and I couldn't be more excited as this is my first very own bike.  I had always received Krystal's hammy downs up until this point because it has been said that I am not much of a biker....well I am going to prove you wrong now with these killer wheels!  I biked to and from work today (having to walk a couple of times due to crazy traffic) but none the less I made it.  AND my legs are only slightly jelly, my butt hurts mildly from the seat, and I only nearly died twice when I hit a pothole. I'll be soaring in no time!
Relyance over cutting her work into mulch 
Jonah my master student!
Sereiboth in the clouds, but Panha is working hard
Brian gluing away!
teacher Rhoda and sawa, so tired during Magic School Bus
Learning about snails and doing some observations of our own
snails can breathe underwater because they have gills like fish.  they also move faster underwater than on land
Monea, learning the days of the week
Sawa coloring Sunday
Billy, for the first week we thought his name was Bailey and had been calling him that....we even had all his things labelled until mom sent some homework back with Billy written at the top...oopsie!! (he doesn't speak at all so he couldn't communicate himself that we were wrong)
my hot new wheels, look at it shine!
loving bubbles
can't pop me!
so close!

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