Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Day off

As I mentioned in the last post I luckily got Wednesday off as it was a Holiday.  So Tuesday night after work Becky, a teacher from the Kindergarten invited me out with her and some of the other ladies from their school.  It was so nice to get out and about and meet some more people.  We went to a place called showbox which serves free beer for not even a cover charge...when does that ever happen back home!!  This was a popular hang out for many other foreigners so we met some of them.  After some casual drinks we headed to dinner and then back home.  I get on really well with all the girls and already we mentioned some minor travel plans which I am so excited about!
The next day the ladies from the front office took me out to do some sight seeing.  They picked me up in a tuk tuk and catered to me all day which I couldn't be more appreciative of!!  On the drive from my house to lunch I experienced eating a lotus fruit which is this crazy green bulb on a stick and you have to dig into it and pull out these round seeds which you then skin in order to eat the pod inside.  It was fairly tasteless but still good, kind of like a pod of peas that are not quite ready yet.  Next they took me to lunch, such a nice gesture but after my food came out with a hair in it I couldn't stomach eating much.  It was just so nice getting to sit with them and have time learning about their busy lives, I don't know how they do it, they put me to shame!!  As we were all tired we skipped the Royal Palace and instead took a quite tour of the museum.  I was unable to snap any pictures inside (one of the rules) but we did manage a selfie out front of the building!
 Sophea's daughter Julie holding the Lotus fruit
 the pods you dig out then peel to eat
 selfie of course
 front doors to museum
panoramic shot of museum

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