Wednesday, 30 December 2015

What I've Learned This Year

The world is my classroom as I continue to travel and learn new things about myself. Here is what I learnt this year...
1. Transport is not always accurate, add a couple of hours to the time it will take to get somewhere.
2. Never run up to a group of cute puppies, the momma dog is likely to want to attack you and Sharon will not come to your rescue!
3. When your students complement you you feel like the most beautiful person in the world.
4. When a bar offers you free popcorn just say no despite it being your favorite snack.
5. Never try going down a dirt road that's been washed out by the rain on a motto (Codi)! And when the doctor says your finger isn't broken, even though it clearly is, get a second opinion.
6. Always have someone you can laugh with at work (Lauren).
7. Drinking Chai before bed keeps me awake for two days straight!
8. Sharing a room with Sarah is never a dull moment, especially when she is looking for a toilet!
9. Polar Bears live in Alaska!... Sharon you will never live that one down!
10. And you can make a lifetime of memories in the blink of an eye so enjoy it while it lasts.

Cambodia, and those I met along the way you will never be forgotten. Thank you for putting up with me!

Now for 2016 and all the new lessons that await me

Saturday, 19 December 2015

Goodbye Dinner

Everywhere I go a piece of my heart stays behind, and in its place my heart grows twice the size from all that I experienced along the way.  Thank you to those who inspire my heart to grow.  I hope to always be a part of our Jungle Family, you all will be in my heart forever!

Sharon, myself, and Ms. Vanny

Sharon, I could not have done this without her!

Codi, my partner in crime when it comes to doing the unexpected!

The heart of Learning Jungle, Mr. Virak and Ms. Vanny

Seda and Cheata (TA's), the ones that bare the weight making the teachers life easier!

Sarah, my traveling roommate who makes life more exciting

My Jungle parents

The teachers that make being away from home that much easier

Whittney, my would be bestie if she didn't resist it so much!

Lalen, took care of all of us teachers and she too will be leaving!

These wonderful people made my year in Cambodia one that will never be forgotten!

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Last Day with my Class!

Going into teaching I guess I had hoped to make a difference.  To offer children the opportunities and support that I had been given throughout my own life, something I am so lucky to have had and I know that not everyone is as fortunate as I am to get.  But never in my life did I ever fathom the way my students would make a difference in my own life!  They have inspired me to be the best teacher I possibly can be, and they have shown me such profound love and admiration that it pains me to say goodbye.  I have loved every last minute of being their teacher, and I will never forget the way they made me feel...Loved, respected, inspired, and capable of conquering the world!

Sasa, one of my younger students who pushed through showing that she can do anything she sets her mind to.

Dawin, a natural leader she loves to take control and be the boss.  I'm sure she will be a wonderful Business Woman!

Malachi, mature beyond his years! He loves stories and is one of the most imaginative kids I know!

Yuth, barely knew any english when I started and is now one of my top readers.  He works so hard and is bound to do wonderful things in the future!

Our last day together we celebrated Yuth and Sawa's Birthdays

Casey, once unable to play has now let her hair down.  I love seeing her laugh and play with her friends.

Panha, a perfectionist at heart.  He is one of the best behaved boys always being an excellent example for his friends!

Alex, despite some learning difficulties he is now speaking and able to interpret emotions.  He is the first to come up and ask if I am ok when hurt, rubbing my back and giving me hugs.

Dana (hand raised), beautiful on the inside and out!  She is good at everything she does!
Veda (sitting), purely kind and always wants to do good by everyone.  Her empathy and understanding for others gives me goosebumps, and makes me want to be a better person just like her!

Jacky, curious about everything!  His energy for life and for learning make me so proud!

Brian, tries his best to please everyone!  He is one of the younger and smaller boys but he has the biggest heart! He always cracks me up with his little comments, like handing in his work and saying "special delivery"! He is such a character!

Aliza, quick to adapt and steel your heart.  She is one that is quietly confident and everyones friend!

Billy, happiest kid you'll ever meet.  Loves helping the teacher!

Lido, biggest personality! I like to call him the question master, because he is so curious to understand everything around him.

Abby, my little monkey.  She always on the move and often thinks I am something to climb on.

Reiyance, her facial expressions are boundless.  When I am mad she likes to inform the class that my heart has been broken. "Teachers heart broke"

My beautiful classroom and wonderful students have provided me with a lifetime of memories that will never be forgotten.  Thank you.